SAMPLE BLOG POST: Searching for Trouble (Article Review #1)

Article Title
"The Dirty Little Secrets of Search"

Article Author
David Segal

Article Publication Date
February 12, 2011

URL of Original Article

Article Summary
Google's search function is put under scrutiny as this article examines dubious techniques businesses can use to improve their search rankings.'s position in search results over the holiday season is used to explore Google's response to so-called "black hat" optimization tactics.

Relevance to the Class
Web architecture is a crucial part of legitimate (or condoned) search engine optimization. This article gives a great perspective on other approaches and their pitfalls. There's also interesting vocabulary to absorb, including terms like "organic search," "black hat," and "PageRank."

Key Quote
"Is it possible that Google was willing to countenance an extensive black-hat campaign because it helped one of its larger advertisers? It’s the sort of question that European Union officials are now studying in an investigation of possible antitrust abuses by Google."