As another follow-up to our discussion tonight (the part of it that didn't focus on Apple or Amazon and their respective product announcements), I'd like you to check out the main website for the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations.
Consider this site in critical terms from an information design and usability perspective. What information is made available on the site? How is the navigation structured?
How might you categorize the different types of users who might visit this site? How does the format of the site serve the needs of different groups of users?
What about the tools integrated into the site? Does the site make direct use of the Twitter hashtag #occupywallst?
Any other observations? How does it fare in search results? Do they use variants of their URL to capture traffic that might otherwise be redirected elsewhere?
Collect your observations and put them into a short paper (you can organize it using bullet points or an outline, if you prefer -- it need not be fluid prose). I'd like the equivalent of at least one word-processed page (about 250 words, not characters) of observations posted as an entry on your blog by the start of our next class.